In the modern world where you have to meet deadlines, achieve targets and work day and night to earn good money you tend to over stress and over tire yourself. Massage Therapy involves reducing stress, providing relaxation and promoting general health. Many doctors recommend Massage therapy as one of the treatments. It is the practice of treatment by using touch to manipulate the soft tissue muscles in your body
A career in Massage Therapy can be a very promising career. Even today people raise their eyebrows at the mention of a career in Massage Therapy. In the earlier, Massage Therapy was considered to be sexual. But now with thousands of day spas and saloons being opened up and the change in the thinking of the people, massage therapy career can be a rewarding one provided you have a good number of clients.
Attending a Massage Therapy Program is a pre-requisite for a successful career in massage therapy. Massage therapy programs give you basic knowledge, massage therapy techniques, tools, ethics and behaviour that enable you to practice your career successfully.
Apart from giving massages, you can give Massage Therapy Classes in schools as this career gives a lot of time to yourself. Many schools are coming up that provides classes on massage therapy.
Before starting this career, you should know that Massage therapy career brings with itself many advantage and disadvantages. There are more advantages of this career but the cons cannot be ignored.
Pros of a Massage Therapy career
The biggest advantage is that you will be free from 9 to 5 jobs. You don’t have to work under anyone. You can start your own practice in Massage therapy and set appointments and schedules according to your comfort.
Giving a massage therapy gives you a satisfaction, an inner satisfaction of helping people. Massage Therapy tends to lessen physical pain, relieves stress, improves postures and circulations, controls blood pressure, promotes deeper and easy breathing, strengthens immune system and rehabilitation after injury. A Massage Therapist helps people achieve relaxation and wellness.
Also, choosing a career in Massage Therapy would give you ample to spend with your family and friends. You will not be overloaded with work like in corporate sector where you have to sit late in office to complete your targets. Massage Therapists have a flexible timing.
It also helps in improving your network within the community. As a Massage therapist you tend to meet all types of people. You communicate with them and thus build a network of your own.
Cons of a Massage Therapy career
When we look at the disadvantages that a massage therapy career holds, they cannot be ignored. The biggest disadvantage associated with massage therapy is that the earnings depend upon the number of clients you have. Also, you might have to massage people you are not comfortable with. A lot of physical exertion is involved. In order to earn real well, it is mandatory to invent your own massage giving techniques.
Sometimes you will be looked at with raised eyebrows because of the misconceptions that some people hold about massage therapy being sexual. Even today, out of fear of being laughed upon or looked down upon, some people do not opt for A Career In Massage Therapy even if they wish to. The society needs to further change their outlook and should consider massage therapy as a respectable job.
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