
Friday, 7 October 2011

Gynecomastia Treatment To Overcome Your Embarrassment

Today nearly half of the men have excessive localized fat or excess glandular tissue in their breast. As per the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, gynecomastia occurs in nearly 65 percent of male. To treat it surgery with or without liposuction is used.

Gynaecomastia is not a serious medical problem but may cause pain in male breast. Usually it causes embarrassment more in young boys as they may be teased due to enlarged breast. Often, by the age of 14 years boys have enlarged breast due to changes in sex hormones occurring during puberty. In 75 percent of these boys excess breast tissue disappears within two years without any treatment.

Mostly the cause of this enlarged breast is not known. In older men it may cause due to decrease in male sex hormone testosterone. Sometimes even due to some medication it may occur like AIDS medication, antibiotic, cancer treatments and ulcer medication and so on. Male Breast Reduction cannot be performed well if the person is overweight or obese. So it is always advised to loose weight first for these people.

So the perfect candidates to go for this procedure have firm, elastic skin that could be reshaped as per the new body’s contours. Thus now you can overcome the embarrassment of gynecomastia with the help of surgery and can have a perfect body. But before going for this procedure, it is necessary to consult a good doctor, as to know whether you are a good candidate for the surgery or not. If some problem is there they can suggest you a solution to solve it.

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